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There are eight different types of SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) options that students can choose to do their project on. These projects could take anywhere from a semester to multiple years in high school to complete. 


The student plans, implements, operates, and assumes financial risks in a farming activity or agriculture business. 

Types of Projects

(Experimental) Research


An extensive activity where the student pans and conducts a major agriculture experiment using the scientific process. The purpose of the experiment is to provide students "hands-on" experience in: 

1) Verifying, learning, or demonstrating scientific principles in agriculture 

2) Discovering new knowledge.

3) Using the Scientific Process.  

(Non Experimental) Analytical


Students gather  and evaluate data from a variety of sources and then produce some type of finished product. 



Involves the placement of students on farms and ranches, in agriculture businesses, in school laboratories, or in community facilities to provide a "learning by doing" environment. 



Help students become literate in agriculture and/or become aware of possible careers in agriculture.



A series of learning activities that improves he value or appearance of the place of employment, home, school, or community: the efficiency of an enterprise or business, or the living conditions of the family. 


The student performs one specific agriculture skill. 

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